When you know you're right, part 3
I'm just going to tell you what happened and you tell me if I did the right thing. This is the same high school match as my previous post about the yellow card. Sorry that the post is so long.
I'm the R1 for this match. My partner is a good guy and he's been officiating for a long time, but he's not particularly strong. When I got the assignment, I said to my wife, "I like him, but I don't know if I can count on him to have my back if things go sideways". So here's what happened.
Set 1, receiving team is in Rotation 3. As I scan, the setter (R-#2) moved toward the middle of the court, and has overlapped the back-row hitter. I indicate to the setter that she needs to be outside the hitter. She looks at me like I'm insane. She seems 100% sure that she's in the right location, which makes me think that maybe I'm wrong and they're in Rotation 2. Plus, my partner is showing no indication that he thinks anything is wrong; and it's really his call, anyway.
So I beckon for serve and Team R wins the point. When they rotate for serve, #2 now moves to the front left position -- which means that I was right and they were overlapped. Darn it!
The rest of Set 1 and Set 2 pass without this happening again. But in Set 3, sure enough, same scenario. Again, I think they're overlapped in Rotation 3; again, I try to move them without success; again, my partner has nothing. Team R wins the point and #2 rotates to the front row.
So. . . I reversed the point and called the out of rotation fault. I awarded the point to Team S, put Team R back into Rotation 3, and resumed play.
When Team R wins the rally, they rotate correctly, putting the setter (#2) into the front left and the setter's Opposite into position to serve. But. . . my partner is talking to the scorer and he starts moving players into different positions. He's trying to put the setter into the front middle. I know this isn't right. I give him a good minute and a half, maybe 2 minutes, to figure it out with the scorer, but it's not happening.
So I get down from the stand and go to the table. He's trying to explain what the scorer is telling him, and I just said "I'm 100% certain that 5 is our server and 2 is front left." He says, "That's not what she has". I said "I'm 100% certain that 5 is our server, so who is the front row?". I look at the scoresheet and tell the coach his next 3 servers, and go back to the stand and we resume.
So. . .
1) Am I within my rights to call the rotation fault AFTER the conclusion of the point?
2) Did I do the right thing by going to the table?
3) Other than calling the rotation fault when it actually occurred, is there anything else I could've done to prevent the long delay at the table?
Any thoughts/suggestions appreciated.