First ???
Originally Posted by JRutledge
in A it is legal if the never throw the ball to the player or throw it to another player first.
Originally Posted by BillyMac
A2 runs out of bounds around a double screen and comes back onto the court and catches a pass from A1 ... A) A1 was holding (touching) the ball after A2 reentered the playing court.
Who was the first to touch the ball after A2 reentered the playing court?
A1 was the first to touch the ball after A2 reentered the playing court (he was touching it after A2 reentered the playing court before he passed it to A2).
9-3-3: A player shall not step out of bounds under the player’s own volition and then become the first player to touch the ball after returning to the playing court ...
Perhaps we should refer to A1 as "Player Zero"?
Is there an ordinal number for zero?
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Last edited by BillyMac; Thu Oct 12, 2023 at 03:27pm.