Step Out Of Bounds ...
I know that we’ve already gone over this, but it was a small part of a long thread on all the rule changes and I wanted to make a single thread about it.
My local new rules meeting isn’t until Wednesday, October 18, 2023.
I was officiating an odd autumn in-district interscholastic middle school game last week. Since we haven’t had our local new rules meeting yet, nor have the coaches, we were told to only use the new bonus rule (fifth of quarter) and no other new rules (at least not until after our meeting).
At halftime, my partner, who wasn't aware of any of the rule changes, asked what they were. I quickly went through the list and then when I came to the new rule regarding stepping out of bounds I hesitated and stumbled, realizing that I really didn't understand the new rule.
2023-24 NFHS Basketball Rule Change
9-3-3: Establishes that a player may step out of bounds without penalty unless they are the first player to touch the ball after returning to the court or if they left the court to avoid a violation. Rationale: Allows a player to step out of bounds if they gain no advantage and penalizes a team only if they gain an advantage by leaving the court and returning to avoid a violation or to be the first to touch the ball.
9-3-3: Establishing that a player may step out of bounds without penalty unless they are the first player to touch the ball after returning to the court or if they left the court to avoid a violation allows the game to continue without stoppage when the player’s actions did not create an advantage. When an advantage is gained by a player purposely leaving the court and being the first one to touch the ball or leaving the court to avoid a violation, an advantage is gained, and a violation has occurred.
Why the rule change?
Why wait for the touch inbounds?
We already have this rule:
9-3-3: A player must not leave the court for an unauthorized reason.
Or has it been deleted and replaced by above?
If a player sneaks off the court (maybe trying to blend in with his bench) we can call the 9-3-3 violation as soon as we realize that he’s gained an advantage, and don’t have to wait for a ball touch inbounds. The player left the court for an unauthorized reason and gained an advantage. Violation!
Now if a player leaves the court due to his momentum, an authorized reason, and comes back and is the first to ball touch inbounds, that’s a still legal? Right?
I’d like to get this new rule straight in my mind before our local meeting so I know to ask pertinent questions.
In the earlier thread, JRutledge was kind enough to post the NCAA rule for comparison.
NCAA Rule Section 3 Player Out of Bounds
Art. 1. A player who steps out of bounds under the player's own volition and then becomes the first player to touch the ball after returning to the playing court has committed a violation.
a. A violation has not been committed when a player, who steps out of
bounds as permitted by Rule 7-4.6.b, does not receive the pass along the
end line from a teammate and is the first to touch the ball after returning to the playing court.
b. A player whose momentum causes that player to go out of bounds may be the first to touch the ball inbounds if that player reestablishes one foot inbounds prior to touching the ball.
NFHS Caseplays Player Out Of Bounds Leaving The Court
9.3.3 SITUATION A: A1 receives a pass while in the restricted area of the lane. A1 passes the ball to A2 outside the three-point line. In order to get the three-second count stopped, A1 steps directly out of bounds under A's basket. RULING: A1 is charged with a violation for leaving the court for an unauthorized reason. (9-3-3)
9.3.3 SITUATION B: A1 and A2 set a double screen near the end line. A3 intentionally goes out of bounds outside the end line to have his/her defender detained by the double screen. RULING: The official shall call a violation on A3 as soon as he/she steps out of bounds. The ball is awarded to Team B at a designated spot nearest to where the violation occurred.
9.3.3 SITUATION C: A1 and A2 set a double screen near the end line. B3 intentionally goes out of bounds outside the end line to avoid being detained by A1 and A2. Just as B3 goes out of bounds, A3's try is in flight. RULING: B3 is called for a leaving-the-floor violation. Team A will receive the ball out of bounds at a spot nearest to where the violation occurred. Since the violation is on the defense, the ball does not become dead until the try has ended. If the try is successful, it will count. (6-7-9 Exception d)
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
“I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 25:36)