NCAA: No time runs off the clock.
VII. Free Kick @ A-35. Team A executes an on-side kick. After the ball has traveled
10 yards, (a) B21 gives a valid fair catch signal and makes a clean catch; (b)
A80 is first to touch the ball and makes a clean legal catch or recovery; (c)
B21 catches or recovers the ball and immediately goes to the ground; (d) B21
makes a clean recovery with their knees on the ground. RULING: The ball
is declared dead and, (a) No time will run off the clock; (b) No time will run
off the clock; (c) the clock operator shall start the clock when the ball is legally
touched and will stop the clock when the ball is declared dead (Rule 3-3-2-a);
(d) No time will run off the clock.