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Old Fri Jul 07, 2023, 01:38pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Out Of Bounds Violation ...

Originally Posted by Afrosheen View Post
Team A has been awarded a designated sport throw-in on the end line. Player A from Team A throws an errant pass to teammate B. Teammate B has to go out of bounds to catch the ball. The ball doesn't touch any other player before touching teammate B. Out of Bounds violation or Throw-in violation?
Great question, easy to answer for younger (younger than me) officials. It's not a throwin violation. It's simply an out of bounds violation, ball at the spot nearest the out of bounds violation, to the non-out of bounds team.

9-2-2: Throw-In Provisions: The ball must be passed by the thrower directly into the court from out-of-bounds so it touches or is touched by another player (inbounds or out of bounds) on the court before going out of bounds untouched.

Now for guys who have been officiating over forty years, like me, this could be confusing (isn't everything confusing at our age) because this used to be a throwin violation.

To make it more confusing, if Team A, the inbounding team, threw the inbound pass directly to a Team B player who was out of bounds, this was considered a throwin violation by Team A, and the ball was given to Team B back at original spot of the throwin. Thankfully, to quote the raven, "Nevermore".

Am I right Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.?
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“I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 25:36)

Last edited by BillyMac; Fri Jul 07, 2023 at 06:24pm.
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