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Old Wed May 17, 2023, 09:39am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
Agree, it didn't say that, nor did it say same color, nor did it say similar color. It said "like color" and we'll both have to wait until the NFHS publishes the actual rule language and interpretation to find out what "like color" means.
I am not waiting on anything. This is really a non-issue. Hardly ever see something different that this would even be considered. And at the lower levels in Illinois, we were told to not enforce uniform rules for specific violations of the rule like logos or size of side panels. They want them to play and look in a similar color.

Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
Agree that we already did allow that (if it's not illegal, it's legal). Now it's codified as "allowing different styles".
Yes, and basically what we were doing before. I think this was put in because there were officials that would go nuts over a player that came from the other levels and did not perfectly match the pants of the other team. That is something I had to talk some officials off the ledge.

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