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Old Wed May 17, 2023, 08:53am
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
I like all of the changes. I believe that eliminating 1&1 speeds up the end of games as teams are less likely to foul since they will be conceding two free throws and the team with the lead would have to miss both in order to not increase its advantage.

I do have a question about the new rule permitting an incorrect throw-in to be fixed.

“7-6-6: Allows the official administering a throw-in to the wrong team to correct the mistake before the first dead ball after the ball becomes live unless there is a change of possession. Rationale: Allows for a correction of an official's mistake in a more reasonable timeframe.”

Why does it have to be only the administering official who can correct this? I hope that it will be worded such that any of the officials can do so.
I agree. If I'm a non-administering official and I notice it, I'm fixing it.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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