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Old Fri Feb 24, 2023, 04:34am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
How do you like them apples Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.?

Worked a game last week, I was the referee and the tosser. Jumper tapped the ball that subsequently hit the floor and then the jumper caught the ball with two hands. My partner, a seasoned veteran, called a violation. I trotted over to him and asked, did you see the ball hit the floor. He replied in the positive, and I convinced him to change his call to an inadvertent whistle. At least he was looking, many of my partners seem to be brain dead until the jump ball ends, and then wake up and come alive, hoping that everything was by the book and happy to get it over with.
I know that you use 2-man, so I’ll ask what does your mechanics manual (IAABO in CT) say about who has responsibility for the jumpers?
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