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Old Tue Feb 14, 2023, 07:56am
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
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Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by fiasco View Post
Wait. What??

If Clougherty had a foul, and they went to the monitor to determine if the ball was released prior to the light, how in the world do they walk away without awarding free throws??
During the monitor review they had determined the contact occurred after the expiration of time and incorrectly ruled no foul could be charged because of that. We know the play is still live until the airborne shooter returns to the floor. It was addressed in an NCAA bulletin put out on the Men's side yesterday.

Airborne Shooter End of the Period – Near the expiration of time at the end of a period, A1 jumps in air and attempts a try for goal and is fouled. A1’s try for goal is released prior to the reading of 0.0 on the game clock but A1 is fouled after 0.0 on the clock but before A1 lands from the try for goal.

RULING: Rule 4-1.1 states that “…An airborne shooter retains the status of an airborne shooter until the player has returned to the floor.” Furthermore, Rule 5-7.3.c states “Each period shall end when time expires, except…when the foul occurs after time expires but while the ball is in flight during a try, the period shall end when the free throw(s) and all related activity have been completed.”

The exception in Rule 5-7.3.c is related to Rule 11-3.1.a.3 and addresses when a foul occurs near the expiration of time on the game clock when the official timer cannot stop the game clock before time expires. Additionally Rule 11-3.1.a.3 does not take into consideration when an airborne shooter has released a try for goal.

While A.R. 130 deals with a game without a courtside monitor, the explanation of Play 2 in this ruling is the appropriate way to adjudicate this play when there is a monitor available or when there is not. “Since the try was released before the expiration of time and since the foul occurred after time expired but while the ball was in flight and A1 was an airborne shooter, A1 shall attempt two free throws.”
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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