USA Softball Exam question
Happy Holidays to everyone.
Very quiet in here lately.
Any discussion on this 2023 USA Softball exam question?
My comments in red.
13) Which of the following events results in a game being forfeited?
a. A male player leaves a Coed game due to injury with no available substitute, leaving females batting back to back. Take an out in the batting order whenever a player leaves the game for any reason other than ejection.
b. A pitcher is removed from the pitching position for excessive conferences and there is not a substitute available. Pitcher can play another position, not ejected.
c. An illegal substitute is entered into the game and there is not a legal substitute available to replace the illegal substitute. RS 51 A game is forfeited to a substitution violation when a player is removed by the umpire returns to the same game as this is use of an illegal player, or if the ejection creates a situation where there are not enough players to continue the game.
d. A runner deliberately and flagrantly runs over a defensive player holding the ball ready to apply the tag on the runner, and there is no available substitute. “Flagrant” results in ejection.
e. All of the above. 4.1.D.1.A; 4.8.A Effect; 4.1.D.2.G
USA & NFHS Softball