Originally Posted by Mike Goodwin
Whether caused by laziness, to "save steps", or just misinterpretation isn't always known.
Worked a middle school game with a subvarsity (not brand new) official last year. As the trail, I was watching a ball handler and an opponent defender in front of the bench near the twenty-eight foot line. My partner, the lead, calls a three second violation.
After he sounded his whistle he began to sprint (he was planning to cross the basket line) to where the ball was (near me) to administer the throwin. I gave him the stop sign, rolled him the ball, and pointed him back to the lane area. We discussed it after the game.
He wasn't being lazy, he didn't misinterpret anything, he just didn't know the rule.
7-5: Throw-Ins
Art. 2 Designated out-of-bounds spot throw-in nearest the violation.
Art. 4 Designated out-of-bounds spot throw-in nearest the foul.