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Old Tue Nov 08, 2022, 03:32pm
Cecil4 Cecil4 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2022
Location: North East, MD
Posts: 166
behavior questions

I am curious about behavior issues during games, because of my teaching new umpires, conducting clinics, observing newbies, etc. Please note SP or FP with answers.
Is unacceptable behavior frequent, occasional or rare?
Is it the teams (coaches and players); or spectators?
Which situations or conditions have accompanied poor behavior?
Which situations or conditions have accompanied good behavior?
In FP, what differences do you see between school, league and travel games?
What have you done which solves the problem and what have you done which did not help?
What policies are needed to prevent problems? What is needed to solve the problems?
What should umpires be taught to minimize behavior problems?

Please be thoughtful.
Formerly CecilOne
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It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.
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