Originally Posted by bob jenkins
Resumption of play:
1) Throw-in; or
2) After TO; or
3) After intermission (unless either team is not on court to start second half)
Great post bob jenkins.
I just spotted the word "or" in 4-38, however the 7-5-1 has a comma instead of an "or", which is what confused me.
4-38: The resumption-of-play procedure is used to prevent delay in putting the ball in play when a throw-in team does not make a thrower available or following a time-out or intermission (unless either team is not on the court to start the second half) as in 7-5-1 and 8-1-2. The procedure results in a violation instead of a technical foul for initial delay in specific situations.
7-5-1: When a team does not make a thrower available, after a timeout (as in 7-4-4) or the intermission between any quarter (as in 6-2-3), the resumption-of-play procedure is used to prevent delay. The administering official will sound the whistle to indicate play will resume ...
The "or" is important, it covers all
throwins, both after a timeout or intermission and not after a timeout or intermission.
Not so for free throws. After a timeout or intermission (resumption-of-play) is not the same as not after a timeout or intermission (technical foul).
(Aside from starting second half.)
I learned a lot today. Thanks.