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Old Mon Aug 15, 2022, 12:58pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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2022-23 NFHS Shot Clock Guidelines State Association Adoption ...

Just spotted this on the NFHS basketball website, it may have been there since August 4, 2022.

2022-23 NFHS Shot Clock Guidelines State Association Adoption

Use the shot clock to administer the 10-second backcourt count (9-8). The 10-second count shall begin when the ball touches, or is legally touched by, a player on the court, in the backcourt on a throw-in or on player control on a rebound or jump ball.

The NFHS still hasn’t reconciled the shot clock guideline with the actual rule.

9-8: A player must not be, nor may his/her team be, in continuous control of the ball which is in his/her backcourt for 10 seconds.

It’s one thing for the NFHS to leave the reconciliation up to individual states, but to just ignore the disconnect and not even broach it is very disappointing.
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