Thread: Batters box
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Old Sat May 14, 2022, 02:32pm
Cecil4 Cecil4 is offline
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Originally Posted by bbman View Post
Batter swings, hits ball about 5” in front of batters box (ball in fair territory). Batter starts running and makes contact with ball with one foot, but other foot is still in batters box.
Out or dead ball foul?
Getting back to the OP and my original question, per NFHS.
The definition of "batters box" is where the batter is "positioned when batting".
If a step/foot lands outside the box, the batter now BR can not bat from there, so is out of the box.

So, if the "contact foot" touches the ground outside the box, it's an out. 8-2-7.
If both are still touching the box or one in the air after last touch in the box, foul ball, as in 2-25-1.f
Outside the box requires a foot completely outside, as in 7-4-8
Formerly CecilOne
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.

Last edited by Cecil4; Sat May 14, 2022 at 08:16pm.
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