1) Nice to remember those who have been so valuable contributing to this forum; although most apparently stopped participating.
2) It is almost 10 years since this topic started, same question as earlier and as said repeated many, many time since; by umpires all over.
3) If there is INT, and the BR has reached 1st before the INT occurs; the BR can not be out as succeeding runner because of the INT.
It would be the runner closest to home, which of course could be the runner at 1st.
4) I hate to use HTBT to not answer, but that is part of the examples.
5) I doubt we will ever resolve this issue, because it is not clearly covered in any rules book.
Like I said, over 10 years with very expert voices and not resolved.
Formerly CecilOne
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.