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Old Sun Apr 10, 2022, 03:52pm
ilyazhito ilyazhito is offline
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
What a weird classification system.

Melvil Dewey and Carl Linnaeus would not be pleased.
Agreed. Neither of them would classify 13 classes into 3 categories. There always is an odd violation out. Add in the shot clock violation, and you have 14.

I get that NFHS classes violations by consequence: possession, points, or free throws. However, that classification doesn't help to determine what the nature of the infraction was. Basket interference by the offense is class 2 according to NFHS, but its practical impact is no different than that of traveling (class 1).

I would judge violations by their nature: Free throw violations (outside marked spaces entering before the ball hits the ring, inside the marked spaces entering before the release, etc.), time violations (3 second, 5 second, 10 second, shot clock), ball violations (illegal dribble, traveling, carrying, out of bounds, kicking or striking the ball with a fist), scoring violations (goaltending and basket interference), and procedural violations (swinging the elbows, backcourt, throw-in violations, leaving the court for an unauthorized reason).
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