"Defensive Interference"
R1 on 1B.
F1 throws a wild pitch, and R1 runs toward 2B.
F6 runs toward 2B and stands right next to the inside corner of 2B (the corner of the base that is closest to the pitcher's circle). Once F6 gets to this position, F6 does not move. F6 is not touching 2B, but F6 is standing upright, directly next to 2B, as described.
F2 is attempting to chase down and pick up the ball. No play is being made on R1 at 2B.
R1 is sprinting toward 2B and will continue to run toward 3B. R1 cannot round 2B quickly by making a tight turn (stepping on the inside corner of 2B and pushing off 2B to make a turn toward 3B) and continue directly toward 3B, because F6 is in the way, preventing R1 from making a quick, tight turn. (If R1 had attempted to make a tight turn at 2B, R1 would have contacted F6, who did not move after arriving there.)
Instead, R1 avoids running into F6 by continuing to run full speed and step on 2B, then continuing toward left field (but R1 does not leave the infield dirt) for the next few steps in making a big, wide, and longer turn, before R1 can straighten out and then eventually run directly toward 3B.
F2 throws the ball to F5 at 3B. As R1 approaches 3B F5 tags R1. FU calls R1 out.
OC requests time, and it is called by the Umpires.
OC states to FU that F6 impeded R1's progress because F6 did not have the ball and was in R1's path, and R1 had to avoid F6 by running around her.
FU and PU confer with each other.
Both Umpires tell OC that "It's a judgement call by them. (They) have to determine what the result of the play would have been had the interference had not happened. The F6 briefly interfered with R1 at 2B and R1 had to run around F6. F5 had the ball long before R1 arrived at 3B and F5 tagged R1 out. In (their) judgement, if the interference by F6 had not happened at 2B, and R1 had continued to run toward 3B as R1 did, R1 would have been out anyway, based on the actual play that happened. So it is (their) judgement that the result of the play was the same as if the interference had not happened. So there is no interference on F6 and R1 is out."
What do you think?