Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
bottom of the 9th in a seventh game - Sox up by 1 with runners on 2nd and 3rd - 2 out - and a ground ball goes through your first baseman's legs. Two runs score.
That was Game 6, smarypants. Game 7 was just as bad (blowing a 3-1 lead during a Clemens start), just not as dramatic.
I knew that it happened in Gm 6,Chuck. I just think that it might be a little bit..ah..funnier if it happened in a Gm 7.
Btw, does MLB do these STOOPID things on purpose? Playing a playoff game with a team from the East @ 10:00pm? Great way to increase your fan base amongst the young 'uns. Great for the ratings too,to have a game that will probably end at about 2:00am in the East. Oi vey!