Originally Posted by Tru_in_Blu
[COLOR="Red"][snip] By your logic, the coach should never be hit by a thrown ball because s/he should be paying close attention and also has a clear view of the entire field.
I don't think so. The statement above completely disregards the proximity of the base coach to the action, all of it: the base, fielders, runners, and a throw. It is his JOB to direct the runners. The base coach is also specifically absolved of interference with a thrown ball unless intentional.
The rule (7-5-4) and penalty has been cited several times. I believe it correctly anticipates and applies to the situation OP presented.
The case play literature is silent on this in several codes. All that remains is to agree to disagree. Peace.
[ETA] This discussion brings up something I haven't seen addressed anywhere. What protections, if any, from interfering with a throw does an on-deck batter have when legally directing runners advancing from third to home?