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Old Thu Feb 17, 2022, 11:17pm
johnny d johnny d is offline
beware big brother
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: illinois
Posts: 996
I am glad that I no longer do many high school games. In the limited number I have done this season, I have definitely noticed a deterioration in the behavior of coaches and fans. Luckily, I am at a point in my officiating career that I do not need high school games, which has allowed me to adopt a philosophy of being as obnoxious to others as they are to me. A few examples: coach to me after I have just given him a technical foul for yelling across the floor about
a no-call "I would appreciate the professional curtesy of a warning."
My response to him "I would appreciate the professional curtesy of you not yelling at me from across the floor. Unfortunately, you are unable to control yourself, so here we are. Enjoy sitting for the remainder of the game." Another coach to me, after he has just been ejected for getting a second technical foul "I'm calling the assignor." My response, "Go ahead and call the assignor, but you are going to be doing it from the ****ing parking lot."
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