Sun Sep 28, 2003, 10:12am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 140
Originally posted by Warrenkicker
Originally posted by jack015
Originally posted by cmathews
PSU, yep totally out there but in this discussion, very relevant....on the interception, fumble, recovery with A ending up with the ball, when do you start the clock, RFP or snap...I am beginning to have doubts LOL..I was always taught, change of possesion, start on the snap, and we definitely have a COP...
Ususally On a change of posession play, B or K is in posession when the down ends. However on this play, there were two changes of posession, B's interception and A's recovery of the fumble, but there was not a legal kick nor was B awarded a new series, so by rule the clock starts on the ready. It is not a change of posession that causes the clock to start on the snap - it is because there was a legal kick or B in posession when the down ends.
But what would you do if when A got the ball back was tackled OOB, ran OOB, or recovered the fumble in their EZ for a touchback? When does the clock start for these?
I would say that they all start on the snap as the action that ended the previous play also stopped the clock.
By rule, on the snap for all these situations.