Originally Posted by thedewed
see last play of KU OU last night wit 5 seconds to go Braun hits a 3 to go up 3, and immediately turns and yells profanity undoubtedly at OU fans that have been in his ear on the wing, pretty obvious to all. rulebook says action that incites the crowd is a T...do you call one in that situation? In hs do you? curious what you all would do. and if not, what additional act would you need to see?
You won't last very long in college basketball if you call a T on that player especially in this situation, in a large arena where no one who isn't standing right next to the guy can hear what he says. If anything, the people I work for would ask why I didn't have game management address the behavior of the fans since they obviously taunted the guy and caused him to react like that.
99.9% of the time when a player gets into a spat with a fan, the fan was the one who started it. I tell game management I'm not interested in having a player go into the stands (which is an automatic F2 in NCAA), so they had best address the person's behavior if he wants to stick around.
(And no, I would not whack this player in a high school game either. I would tell him not to engage with the crowd again and I will deal with the fans with game management.)