Technical Foul Question
Has anybody ever given a technical foul for a coach staring you down.
Had a coach this evening who is known to be a little over the top, but is usually harmless.
Early in the game he indirectly questions my integrity by telling me I need to call the game fair(ly) because I had called the first 3 fouls on his team and the foul count is 3-0. I let that slide, and eventually the foul count is 6 to 6.
Late second quarter, I (Trail, tableside) call a player control foul on his point guard table side near the division line for extending his arm and knocking the defender off balance.
Coach goes on a rant about how his player didn't even extend his arm and was just running up the court. He adds a bunch of histrionics and I let him go for about 15 seconds. When he's done, I blow my whistle and issue a bench conduct warning. I proceed to go down to the end line table side and he follows me all the way to the end line. He doesn't say a word, but he is turned in my direction because I am out at the three-point line waiting for the throw-in. He is partially on the court and staring me down. I pop him with a T.
Let me first say before you answer, in retrospect, I should have moved myself out of harm's way after the warning by switching to Center official opposite the table.
My main question is, what is your philosophy on issuing a technical foul on a coach who purposely goes out of his way to stare you down?
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A-hole formerly known as BNR
Last edited by Raymond; Fri Jan 14, 2022 at 11:26pm.