Thu Jan 13, 2022, 11:24pm
Stubborn Member
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Columbus, OH
Posts: 1,517
Originally Posted by Nevadaref
Obviously, I’m not going to change your mind and if your assignors and the other people who matter in your area, perhaps coaches, ADs, and folks who work for the state office, are all okay with you making up your own way of handling a problem, then so be it and carry on. However, that is a sad situation.
For anyone else reading this forum who prefers to administer this situation properly, I’ll again write that attempting to use 2-3 is obviously wrong because the NFHS rules do provide for a way to deal with situations in which team supporters interfere with the game. How officials are to deal with this is spelled out in the note to 2-8-1. Why BryanV21 chooses to ignore this and instead go his own route is baffling. Why he continues to contend that this situation isn’t covered by the NFHS rules after the exact passage covering such has been posted for him is inane. Perhaps he is afraid to assess the proper penalty and charge a technical foul.
So for the final time, the ONLY penalty which an official may impose due to interference of a spectator or supporter is a technical foul. The official does not have the ability to award points, take points away, remove time from the clock, restore time to the clock, take possession away, award extra FT attempts, or any other strange remedy that might seem fair.
Real officials adhere to the real rules. What BryanV21 is attempting to pass off as game management is just doing things his own way because he feels that such will encounter the least amount of resistance. I don’t believe that he understands what game management actually means. It certainly isn’t making up a resolution that splits the difference in an attempt to make both sides happy. The referee is not expected to be King Solomon.
It's bullshit replies like this why I stopped coming here for a while. Some people can't have conversations without the personal attacks.
So I'll leave you on your high horse.
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