Originally Posted by BillyMac
Hopefully, as more of us get the vaccine and/or more us get COVID (and natural immunity to some degree) and survive, we can reach something close to herd immunity, and knock down this infection to something similar to annual influenza ...
Some say that this Omicron variant is doing us a favor by being very easily spread, but by not being as "fatal" as previous variants. Maybe it's the beginning of some type of end.
This is Darwinism at its best. If COVID is too "fatal", it will kill off all its human hosts (a virus is a parasite, it needs humans to survive), and then, with no more human hosts it will became as extinct as the dinosaurs (just don't tell that to my backyard chickens). So through mutations (variants) and natural selection the "fittest" variants will be the ones to infect a lot of human hosts, but not kill them, allowing those variants to survive and to live another day, reproduce, and have lots of "COVID babies", and the beat goes on.
Of course, lurking somewhere out there in the animal kingdom is another "novel" virus waiting to make the "big jump" from animals (pigs, ducks, bats, great apes, deer, etc.) to humans. Hopefully we'll be better prepared for it next time. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Wait ... I'm being told ... 1918 ??? You sure ??? Never mind.