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Old Fri Dec 31, 2021, 01:14pm
thumpferee thumpferee is offline
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Originally Posted by Raymond View Post
I'm quite sure she meant setting the ball down to get up and then retrieving the ball.

Otherwise, simply setting the ball down would be the violation, whether the person got up or not.


Just because a person in authority makes a statement, that doesn't make it an official interpretation, whether they said in front of a symposium or in an email exchange. Based on your logic, every word that comes out of an interpreter's mouth is an official interpretation even if they're at a bar drinking and having a conversation about basketball rules. I wish you would stop doing that and start using a little common sense on what an official interpretation or ruling is.

An official interpretation is published guidance from the organization in authority.

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Ok! Let's assume that's what she meant. If it were you, would you leave it open ended like that or would you type in the last 6 words (and be the first to touch) to complete the citation? (Rhetorical)

Along with that, the question was not answered. She only referred to the rule and CP we are already aware of.

In her defense, I showed this to several people and a couple of them thought she slid on her knees. That's why I posed the question, what was asked.

I posed this to my higher ups who says it is absolutely a travel. Still not official. They also said white soles are permissible for officials. They are NOT, according to their own manual.
"A picture is worth a thousand words".
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