Here's what I get tripped up on as a beginning official...
Dead Ball v. Live Ball Infractions (High School Rules)
As I understand it, there are 4 types of penalties that will stop the play from beginning:
1) False Start
2) Snap Infraction
3) Encroachment
4) Illegal Substitution
Is this correct?
As for Live Ball penalties...
As I understand it, there's no Illegal Motion in high school. Any illegal motion is an Illegal Shift.
Here's where my confusion arises...
The difference between Illegal Shift and False Start:
Obviously, a set offensive lineman that flinches on the first count when the snap was supposed to be on the second count is guilty of a False Start.
How about a set RB that fires out a fraction before the snap (but clearly before)? Do we still shut it down and call False Start or do we let the play happen and give the D the choice of Illegal Shift or the result of the play?
Can a back or end flinch and reset so long as they are reset for a count. If so, do they have to shift to do it?
This forum is great.
Thanks for all your helpful posts or at least tolerating my basic questions.