Originally Posted by Camron Rust
Do they then tell everyone to avoid touching the ball for the entire game?
As scientists have come to know more and more about COVID, the science changes (as science needs to do, and does, just eight planets now). Remember, in the early stages of the pandemic, how everyone was rubbing, spraying, and wiping down everything with disinfectant, even the cat? Store shelves were emptied of any type of disinfectant.
The risk of contracting COVID from contaminated surfaces or objects in non-hospital indoor settings, including homes and schools, is now thought to be very low; existent, but very low.
One is probably not going to be infected with COVID from simply touching a door knob, an elevator button, a toilet seat, or a basketball
Remember these?
Last year in Connecticut, basketballs were wiped down with disinfectant at every opportunity (timeouts, intermissions).
Schools that didn't were to be reported to our assignment commissioner, who would followup with the athletic director and/or the CIAC.
Quoth the raven, "Nevermore".