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Old Thu Oct 28, 2021, 12:28pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Originally Posted by Raymond View Post
I am lucky two of my D3 supervisors are really good friends and they work together on their schedules.
For over thirty years my high school assigner got along well with my Catholic middle school assigner. Why? My Catholic middle school assigner had a policy that high school games had priority over his Catholic middle school games. No need to block out dates on our high school schedule once we got our Catholic middle school assignments. My Catholic middle school assigner had no problem with a 4:00 p.m. phone call informing him that I picked up a last minute high school game that night (official illness, or injury, last minute weather reschedule) and could not work for him that night. That's why he was successful at attracting, and keeping, the top officials for his games. Many of his Catholic middle school games were officiated by state tournament level officials.

Some low level assigners didn't get along with our high school assigner because these low level assigners would ask their guys to block out their low level assignment dates (if asked, I refused, often quitting) with the high school assigner after the "dust cleared" after initial high school assignments were published (example, block out every Monday and Wednesday not already officiating a high school game to work local mens recreation games). This got to be a big problem as we moved from a boys only board to a boys and and girls board, needing high school officials six days a week.

Still, these are minor, often easily surmountable, problems compared to you college guys, especially those who also still work high school games on your college off nights.

Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
Of course, many of you work for multiple assigners at multiple levels, multiple high school assigners (different leagues, individual schools, different states), and multiple college assigners (multiple levels and multiple leagues at the same level), making for very complex assignments, with lots of "big money' at stake, lots of miles to travel (many by plane), and many assigners to stay on the good side of.
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Last edited by BillyMac; Mon Nov 08, 2021 at 08:53am.
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