Originally Posted by bob jenkins
So ... how did it go?
It went great, Bob. Thanks for asking. I worked as R2 with a National rated official and she was just fantastic to work with. The match was incredibly smooth, with only one play that was disputed at all by either coach.
Home coach literally did not say a word to me after pre-match greeting. Visiting coach was very respectful the one time something was questioned.
I felt like I had a very good match. I did have one brain-cramp when visiting coach asked for a TO in the second set. Home team had 14 points and I feel like I should have reminded her that we had a media time-out coming after one more point; but I totally forgot about it.
I also had a great table crew to work with, which made it very easy to concentrate on the match. There were a couple times when I had help if it had been needed (but it wasn't). And R1 gave me very good feedback after the match. To be honest, it wasn't a very challenging match (which is probably why the assignor felt ok to put me on it); but I didn't do anything to put us in hot water, so I count that as a win.
So thanks for checking on me! It was fun. No expectation at all of any more this season, but maybe I'll keep my fingers crossed for 2022.