I may be mistaken
But I thought somewhere in past post we discussed a similiar situation and it was stated that POE 25-d was an error in the rule book and should be a 2 base award.
Was looking this up in different book and found 8-5-f in the NSA rule book that states a ball that strikes an object that aligns the field then bounds over would be awarded a ground rule double
Also believe there is a reason that ASA states TOP of fence then going over and not any part of the fence
The fence in all other cases become part of the field just like the ground. Such as catches off the fence.
This ball was clearly stated by both umpires calling not to hit the top of the fence but down at least a foot or more than spin over the fence untouched
Just a added thought in most MLB you will see a colored line just below the top of the fence. I believe this line is for the umps to be able to tell if the ball has cleared the fence or above the line for a ball going over to be considered a home-run. If not mistaken this happen in the MLB a few year back at one of the ball parks where the ball hit below the line and then went over the fence and the player was awarded a double
[Edited by oppool on Sep 25th, 2003 at 11:24 PM]