Originally Posted by JRutledge
But unsportsmanlike conduct is not unnecessary roughness. Unnecessary roughness is only a personal foul. Why does that matter, because 2 UNC result in an ejection. A UNR only results in a personal foul and does not automatically result in an ejection if more than one is called. You can always have a flagrant personal foul act, but again we are adding stuff to the play that was not asked. You are right there is judgment, but we have to know the difference between a personal foul and unsporting contact in an NF context. Even at the NCAA, there are specific things with contact that can result in Unsporting acts, but that does not involve plays like the one we are talking about. KISS!!!!
The "Penalty" descriptions under NFHS: 9-4-4 advises, "Disqualification also if ANY fouls under these articles ARE JUDGED BY THE GAME OFFICIAL to be flagrant. (See NFHS: 2-16-2-c).
Based solely on the judgment, of what the calling official observes, the consequences can rise to disqualification for both "Noncontact Unsportsmanlike Conduct by Players/Non-Players" and/or Illegal Personal Contact fouls