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Old Wed Aug 11, 2021, 09:59am
Scrapper1 Scrapper1 is offline
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,674
Vacant service rotation -- NFHS

I don't even know if anyone checks this forum anymore. I think a lot of the discussion has moved over to Facebook. But I'm not friends with Felix on FB, so I'm hoping somebody still checks in here once in a while.

In FED, a team can play with five players, leaving one playing position vacant. When that vacant position rotates to Back Right, there's obviously no one to serve, so a point is awarded to the non-serving team and they then rotate and serve.

My question is what is the signal progression for the vacant server. The R1 will signal a point given to the non-serving team, but is there a fault signal given? Our "interpreter" was emphatic that it's not Signal #1 (Illegal alignment), and said that we just award the point, with no clarifying signal.

Any other thoughts?
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