Originally Posted by JRutledge
You cannot just hold someone regardless of the status of the ball. The restrictions for passing interference for the defense clearly end on a tipped pass. But unsportsmanlike conduct cannot ever take place with contact in a NF game. There is an instance at the NCAA level, but this would not likely apply here.
AS ALWAYS, it depends on what you
actually see. NFHS: 2-3-5-b "A defensive player
MAY ALSO push, pull or ward off an opponent in an actual attempt to get at the runner
OR A LOOSE BALL if such contact is not pass interference, a personal foul or illegal use of the hands.
HOWEVER, NFHS: 9-4-g prohibits, "Make
ANY OTHER CONTACT WITH AN OPPONENT, including a defenseless player which is deemed unnecessary or excessive and which incites roughness.".
So it really boils down to
YOUR judgment as to the specific situation
YOU are looking at.