Originally posted by bethsdad
I was just wondering what you guys all thought about a coach asking the catcher if the last pitch was a stike or not. (after it was called a ball) Maybe not directly but asking where it was, or something similar. As a coach I would never put my catcher in that position with the umpire but I do see it once in awhile. Brian
The first time I saw this happen, the PU jerked off his mask and aggresively walked toward the coach telling her that if she wanted to know where a pitch was, she should direct the question to him! The coach was definitely unhappy with some close pitches that had been called balls. The problem here was that the PU was very confrontational and everybody in the ball park heard him "admonish" the coach. I don't think that this is the way to handle it.
I think that I would politely approach the coach and tell him or her that they should ask me if they wanted to know where a pitch missed. By asking the catcher, the coach is placing the catcher in a no-win position, she has to choose to piss off her coach or the umpire.
If the coach asking about pitches becomes a constant thing, then Tom's suggestion about casually letting the coach know about the penalty for arguing balls and strikes sounds good.