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Old Thu Jul 15, 2021, 11:00am
Tru_in_Blu Tru_in_Blu is offline
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Originally Posted by SNIPERBBB View Post

One or no outs. Play at the plate, defense catcher jumps in the way of R1 last second resulting in a crash. Runner touches plate and subsequent runner R2 crosses the plate. After play, U1 rules R1 out for not sliding. Offense protests R1 fulfilled obligation to attempt avoid contact and there's no rule requiring a slide. Defense protests that R2 and R3 who is now on third should be returned last bases at time of the crash
OK, I'll give it a shot.

First, check USA RS 13.F.
Since this doesn't meet the criteria for a crash, some might argue for OBS. Since OBS (or not) is a judgment call, it is not protestable.
Unless there is a league bylaw, there is no requirement to slide. I think this would be a legitimate protest on the umpire's misinterpretation.
Moving runners back would have involved an INT call, immediate dead ball, and runners returned to last base touched at the time of the INT. INT (or not) is also a judgment call.

That's what I think.
USA & NFHS Softball
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