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Old Thu Sep 25, 2003, 10:20am
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Originally posted by gsf23
As a coach at the varisty level I have asked my catcher this before, usually out of frustration if I think the zone is inconsistent, which is not very often. The coach doesn't have the best angle on the field when it comes to balls and strikes and when I ask I am just trying to get an idea of the zone.
Good point. Sometimes as umpires we tend to take questions or comments from the coach at other than face value.

While asking in the dugout is better, it is possible the question is a legitimate request for coaching information.

Just like telling the pitcher "good pitch" on a called ball doesn't mean, necessarily, the coach is telling the umpire indirectly it should have been called a strike. Maybe the pitch was exactly what was called, but the batter just didn't go for it.
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