Originally Posted by BillyMac
I like and prefer the punch for offensive fouls more than the PC signal. That said, I'm willing to bet that the NFHS decision is based on NCAA-M adopting the same signal for all PC & TC fouls. For better or worse, a number of changes from NCAA-M tend to trickle down at some point to the NFHS level.
The rule change allowing head coverings for religious reasons without state-level approval is a good idea in that it removes extra paperwork and the potential gotchas if a team never got that approval and suddenly found the rule strictly enforced -- especially in the post season (which I want to say actually happened somewhere within the past few seasons).
I have no idea if Michigan would consider adopting a shot clock. Until that happens, I'll remain indifferent towards it aside to say I'd prefer it be adopted at the HS level only if it ever was.