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Old Wed May 12, 2021, 11:00pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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This shot clock adoption rule is a step in the right direction, but somewhat curious. The NFHS should not have specified the length and left that aspect up to each individual state. I’m most familiar with states currently using 35 seconds for boys and 30 for girls. But with college recently shifting to 30 for both genders, I expect those states employing a shot clock at the HS level to follow suit. Additionally, it is my understanding that states currently using a shot clock are shut out of the NFHS rules making process since they don’t comply with NFHS rules. Strangely, this will continue to be the case for those states going with a 30-second shot clock in either boys or girls contests. The NFHS missed an opportunity here to be more inclusive and bring those states back into the fold simply by not specifying a number of seconds.
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