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Old Wed May 12, 2021, 05:44pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Pecking Order ...

Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
I am surprised he has not commented for several days. On a serious note is everything alright for him?
Thanks for asking. I'm fine. IAABO hasn't published a Make the Call Video in a while, and it's off season so things have been pretty quiet on the Forum.

Plus I've been busy in the yard, lawn, flowers, vegetables, replaced rotted mailbox post, fixed the garage door, paddled with my kayak group at a new location (I write articles for the group on the history, geography, and ecology of each site), and introduced a new pullet to my backyard flock of hens (not an easy task with an existing pecking order).

I do have a life outside of basketball officiating, not much, bit it's a life.

Found out that my local board will have a banquet this year (COVID cancelled last year), but due to COVID it will be outside in July. I'll be receiving a forty year award.

I actually checked the NFHS website yesterday and there was nothing new there. It's true, you snooze, you lose.
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