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Old Wed Sep 24, 2003, 09:01pm
Jim Porter Jim Porter is offline
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Yes, I have visited the Sterling faire. Excellent job they do up there. They try to remain as authentic as possible. Well, they did when I visited which was about 1991. Very woodsy on the grounds, very nice. Right on the breakwaters of Lake Ontario. You can actually see the bog-like edges behind the faire grounds. Excellent food, too.

We stayed in Syracuse and that's when I learned to never order pizza late at night in Syracuse. We would've been better off eating the cardboard box it came in. Worst pizza I've ever had in my life, and I'm not generally picky about food. Actually, it was the worst food I've ever had in my life, not just pizza. It even beat out some bad shrimp I ate once. We each took one bite, spit it out, and threw the rest away. Of course, the one bite was obligatory. No one believed that pizza could ever be that bad. Well, I am not exaggerating. It was.

Anyhow, the PA Renaissaince Faire ( where I worked for awhile was very much taking a turn for the worse. We knew we were in trouble when they built a booth called Nachos of Nottingham and put, "Pepsi, proud patron of the arts," signs all over the place. They do have excellent turkey legs and soup in a bread bowl that cannot be missed.

The guy who's pictured on the first page of web site - his name is Greg Ramsey. Real cool guy. Know him well. Unfortunately, I stole his girlfriend during my last summer there. A cute little number named Heidi. I hope he still doesn't hold a grudge.

They also had an Edgar Allen Poe halloween show that was enormously popular, as well as a Dickens Christmas show. It was year round work. I took it. Had a blast, too. I had 45 roommates all living together in this old sandstone former Baptist church. One whole wall of my room was stained glass. Good times, good times.

[Edited by Jim Porter on Sep 24th, 2003 at 09:11 PM]
Jim Porter
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