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Old Sat Mar 20, 2021, 11:30am
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Rich Rich is offline
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RULES BOOK CORRECTIONS: Page 66, 10-6 PENALTY – Within the penalty, Section 6 should be changed to read Art. 2.

SITUATION 1: Team A head coach has received a second direct technical foul. The coach is directed to leave the vicinity of the bench and go to the locker room. The team has no other adult personnel on the bench for this contest. RULING: Since there is no other adult school personnel available to supervise the team, the contest will be declared a forfeit. The score will stand if the opposing team is ahead. If the forfeiting team is ahead, the score will be recorded as a 2-0 forfeit. (5-4-1c)

SITUATION 2: A1 is moving and catches the ball on one foot, then jumps and lands on both feet. The player then lifts the left foot and then returns it to the floor before releasing the ball to start a dribble. The official allows play to continue. RULING: The official should rule a travel on A1. When landing on one foot and then jumping and landing on both feet, the player does not have a pivot foot. If either foot is moved before releasing the ball to start a dribble, it is a travel. (4-44-2a, 3)

SITUATION 3: A1, who is dribbling the ball, is intentionally fouled as the signal to end the third quarter sounds. The official administers the free throws as a part of the third quarter and starts the fourth quarter by awarding the throw-in at the spot nearest the spot of the intentional foul. Team B has the possession arrow. RULING: The official correctly administered the free throws as a part of the third quarter. The team will not get the benefit of throw-in at the division line because the quarter ended. No penalty or part of a penalty should be carried over to the next quarter or extra period except when a correctable error is involved. The fourth quarter should begin with a throw-in by Team B, which has the possession arrow. (4-19-3c; 5-6-2 EXCEPTION 3)

SITUATION 4: Team A has its school logo placed above the number on the jersey. The official rules the jersey illegal. RULING: The official is correct. The logo may be placed in the apex of the neckline on the front of the jersey or in the upper shoulder area on the front of the jersey or a corresponding area on the back or in the side insert. It may not be placed above the number. The name of the logo may be placed above the number, not the picture. (3-4-4a)

SITUATION 5: B1 obtains a legal guarding position on A1, who is dribbling the ball near the sideline. There is no contact by A1 while B1 has both feet on the playing court. B1 stays in the path of A1 but in doing so has (a) one foot touching the out-of-bounds boundary line, or (b) one foot in the air over the out-of-bounds boundary line when A1 contacts B1 in the torso. RULING: In (a), a blocking foul shall be called on B1. B1 may not be touching out of bounds. In (b), a player-control foul shall be called on A1; B1 had established and maintained a legal guarding position. (4-23-2, 4-23-3, 4-35-1)

SITUATION 6: Team A (free-throw shooting team) has no players in marked lane spaces. Team B (non-shooting team) has (a) four players in the first and second marked lane spaces or (b) two players in the first marked lane spaces only. RULING: Legal in both (a) and (b). The shooting team is not required to have any players in marked lane spaces and the defensive team must only have the first marked lane spaces occupied. If a team does not occupy a marked lane space to which it is entitled, the opponent may occupy the space (within the number limitations). (8-1-4)

SITUATION 7: Team A is playing with five players but has no remaining substitutes available when one of the players has an asthma attack. The coach is beckoned onto the floor. RULING: The player must leave the game unless a time-out is requested and granted to Team A with the player being ready to resume by the end of the time-out. The team may continue with fewer than five players if there are no substitutes available. An injured/ill player may return to the game after recovery. (3-3-6)

SITUATION 8: A1 is fouled by B2 and is awarded two free throws. The foul is B2’s fifth foul. The new trail official reports the fifth foul to Team B’s coach. Before a substitute is made, the lead official incorrectly permits A1 to attempt the first free throw. The officials realize the error and huddle to discuss the situation. RULING: The result of the first attempt shall stand. Team B’s head coach shall be notified of B2’s disqualification. Once B2 has been replaced, A1 shall attempt the second free throw. COMMENT: This is an official’s error and not a correctable-error situation according to Rule 2-10. (2-8-3, 4-14-1, 6-1-2c)

SITUATION 9: A1, while being defended, is driving from near the free-throw line extended toward the end line. A1 continues toward the end line and pulls up and goes airborne just before the boundary line with his/her momentum carrying him/her out of bounds. Just as A1 goes airborne, he/she passes off to a teammate across the lane and lands out of bounds. RULING: No violation. A player’s momentum, after performing legal actions on the court that results in taking him/her out of bounds is not a violation for leaving the floor for an unauthorized reason. However, if A1 purposely or deceitfully delays returning after legally being out of bounds to gain an advantage, a player technical foul would be assessed. (4-4-3, 9-3-3, 10-4-2)

SITUATION 10: A1 fouls out of the game. The Team A coach talks to a substitute and within 15 seconds sends the substitute to the table to report in the game. A Team B player then requests a time-out. RULING: Since a time-out may not be granted until a disqualified player is replaced, the administering official should ask the substitute at the table if he/she is the replacement for A1. If so, the time-out may be granted. If not, the substitute shall remain at the table and the coach must still replace A1 within the specified timeframe before the time-out may be granted. (3-3-1, 5-8-3b, 10-6-2)