Thread: HS uniform
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Old Fri Jan 22, 2021, 03:26am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
Well anyone can play with an illegal jersey but they have to suffer a technical foul in the process. But since this is an issue of do we give a T...
Huh? When did the focus of this thread shift to should we issue the technical foul?
The OP quite clearly states that the issue is whether the individual should be permitted to play with a jersey of a different hue from his teammates. He specifically asks for thoughts on how to argue that the team member should be able to participate BY RULE.
I was one of the responders who told him that the penalty for infringing the jersey color rule is not that the individual is forbidden from playing, but rather that the head coach receives a direct technical foul. His colleagues who contend that the kid cannot play are completely incorrect and have no rule basis for prohibiting his participation. That is what is under discussion in this particular thread. This is a conversation about what the text of the rules state, not a discussion of one’s philosophy on how to handle uniform issues when they arise in practice. They OP did not inquire about that.

Of course, those folks who always show up and call anyone who mentions a technical foul for uniforms or other administrative reasons over-officious descended upon this thread and espoused their philosophy without bothering to read the actual text written within it. Their need to feel superior to others and knock their responses because they don’t jive with their personal feelings is sad.

So, in short, to anyone writing that someone is advocating a technical foul and that is a poor way to handle this, and blah, blah, blah—-Shut up!
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