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Old Mon Dec 07, 2020, 03:57pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
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Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by RefsNCoaches View Post
I'm sure like me, your schedules have been crazy to keep up with cancels, reschedules etc due to COVID.

I started my HS season on Tues 11/10...the night before, I started having a bit of a cough and didn't think much of it...Worked my Tues 11/10 HS game, worked the following night Weds 11/11 MS game...On Thursday of that week, I left work early feeling terrible (coughing, fatigue, beyond belief)...Went and got tested for flu (negative) and COVID-19 (positive)....

The following Monday, I hear on the news that the HS I was at the previous Tuesday went back on virtual learning from part time virtual/in school because of too many kids with COVID.

So I lost two weeks of my season...about 6 games I had to turn back.

I have honestly felt worse with the flu. I never lost smell or taste, didn't have fever/chills but one night...had a nagging headache and body aches, but the fatigue was outrageous! I was sleeping 16 hours a day for about 6 days straight. Never experienced anything like that. A simple trip from bed to bathroom felt like a ran a marathon.

I got back to work and the gym last week and feeling much better...still dealing with a bit of a nagging cough and I do notice a bit of shortness of breath if we get into some good game flow on the floor....but really glad to be feeling somewhat normal again.

Anyone else test Covid positive? How are you doing now?

Best of luck to all....this is such a strange season.
It's been over 7 weeks since my wife contracted Covid and she still has not regained her full smell or taste; still well below 50% for both.

I have found during normal workouts I've always done there are times I do get extremely winded and there have been a couple of times that I have actually been fatigued. My wife says my breathing sounds very labored after doing something routine like walking to the kitchen and back.

Neither one of us had a fever during the time we were positive for Covid.

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A-hole formerly known as BNR
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