Originally Posted by BillyMac
Agree, not clamoring, but a few may be somewhat curious.
Mregor, not me, made the original "things young'uns may not know" (Get Smart) reference, I was just "boomer splaining" the reference.
Wait? Did Mregor, knowing my weaknesses, set me up?
Is this all just a big conspiracy to get BillyMac suspended from the Forum again?
And why am I referring to myself in the third person?
So that's why I hear voices. I'm listening to myself.
If someone was always saying in the post they did not know the refernece that would be one thing. Don't see those posts.
No one trying to suspend you or get you suspended. But I do think this site has fallen and one of the reasons is the things we talk about or do not talk about and these post from you are not helping. Just my opinion. It is not like you are going to do anything about it.