Working with two pretty experienced officials in a 11-12 year old PeeWee game with 2 undefeated teams on Saturday. K lined up for a try. I'm on K's left wing. Right wing is under the left crossbar, R is on the right side of the kicker.
The kicker kicks it high, but short and the ball is caught in the EZ (NCAA rules, if it matters - he can run it out). The kid looks at me, realizes the whistle didn't blow, and takes off around his left (K's right) side.
HL is out of position, under the crossbar and unable to catch up. I am running with the kid, but on the sideline opposite him. R is running down the middle, trying to angle toward the sideline, but unsuccessful at getting to the sideline.
The kid ran right along the sideline, in heavy traffic, all the way back. The trouble spot is - none of us could properly see whether he stepped out of bounds on that side. After the game, the UIC mentions that as whitehat, he would have tried to wait for the herd to pass and get to the sideline to get a better view of whether he went OOB. But reviewing the play in my head, I really don't think he could have gotten there without either getting trampled or getting in the kids' way, at least not before the kid was 40 yards away from him.
Any suggestions? An idea for a better way to lineup for a try? Anything ANY of us could have done to make sure we could see that sideline as early and as close as possible? Or were we doomed from the start?
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”
West Houston Mike