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Old Mon Sep 22, 2003, 02:21pm
Warrenkicker Warrenkicker is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Wichita, KS
Posts: 945
One thing I found that helped me while I was newer to officiating and still is a reminder today is adding information to the signal card that I carry. Ink didn't seem to stick to the plastic so I inscribed the yardage penalty that went along with each signal and if there was a loss-of-down or automatic first down also. I did it by just scratching the numbers and letters into the card and then wiping penmanent marker accross the scratches. The ink did stick in the scratches and now I have all of the yardages right there with me at all time. Then if you get in a situation where you aren't sure if that was a 5-yarder or 10 or if it should be an automatic first down you can just look it up quickly and move on without second guessing yourself.
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