Originally posted by Luv4Asian8
... the backcourt would be at the volleyball line about 5-10 feet back from the actual division line. After Team A makes goal, B1 inbounds ball to B2. B2 dribbles passed (volleyball) "backcourt" and is now in the "gray" area between v-ball line and div line. B2 passes back to B1 which is still in "backcourt." I call the violation and get the drill of "we didn't know that!"
So, if I'm understanding correctly, Team B never got the ball across the "real" division line? In the very few games I've done in shoebox gyms, the offense had to bring the ball across the "real" division line to stop the 10-sec count, and after that, the "imaginary" volleyball line was for backcourt violations. This play would not be a violation under these rules.
I don't have my rulebook handy. Is there some FED guidance on this?