A pitched ball vs a batted ball is the differentiating aspect. "Possession" really doesn't factor in.
What happens when F5 dives to the right to try an catch a line drive which deflects off the glove over fair territory and then goes into DBT? Two base award.
What happens when a batted ball that lands fair down a foul line and then rolls beyond a temporary fence that stopped at the foul line? Two base award.
What happens when a batted ball hits the outfield fence on the fly, bounces back off the chest of the fielder and then bounces over the fence. Two base award.
What happens when an outfielder dives after a base hit down a line in an attempt to not let it get by, but the ball deflects off the glove into DBT? Two base award.
What happens when an outfielder dives feet first after a base hit down a line in an attempt to not let it get by, but the ball deflects off the foot, shin, knee, or head into DBT? Two base award.
None of the above include possession. All of the above are a two base award.
USA & NFHS Softball
Last edited by Tru_in_Blu; Tue Mar 24, 2020 at 07:04am.
Reason: sp